Paper Title
Factors Influencing Indonesian High School Students’ Acceptance towards Education Technology (EDTECH)

The revolution of information and communication technologies transformed the way of knowledge and learning process in education. Indonesia had a promising ecosystem for the EdTech startup. Starting 2019, all students must do computer-based test as university entrance exam (UTBK). So this paper researches factors which influence indonesian high school students in adapting the education technology (EdTech). The scope of EdTech in this research is specific in Online Learning Platform technology. This research uses mixed model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Motivational Model (MM). Total respondents of this research is 1506 students. Data analysis technique is PLS-SEM analysis. The research found that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Perceived Learning Enjoyment, and Learning Outcome Expectancy are significantly influencing the Behavioral Intention. While Behavioral Intention, Self-management Learning, and Facilitating Condition are significantly influencing Use Behavior. Keywords - Technology Acceptance, Education Technology (EdTech), Online Exercise Platform, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Motivational Model (MM).