Paper Title
Business Model Selection using a Factor Rating Method for Street Food Product in Bandung
Culinary industry, or habitually called Food and Beverages (FnB) Industry, is one of the most popular business to be started by entrepreneurs in Indonesia. With various reasons, there are so many people who open their new business based on the culinary field. This circumstances is not only happening in Indonesia capital city, Jakarta, but also in other big cities, including Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bogor, and Bandung. The culinary business also included on 16 subsectors creative economy in Indonesia. For the development of MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterprise), the culinary sector greatly helped increase Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to data from an organization under the government, Bekraf, said that this sub-sector contributed about 41% of the total GDP of Indonesia's creative economy.
Talking about food and beverages disruptive product, there is a type of food which is very popular all around the world. Many people diversify this food by a name called “Street food”. Based on Wikipedia, Street food is described as “ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other public place, such as at a market or fair”. Street food also commonly known as a light dish that has a uniqueness and has to be a “ready-to-eat” food. This street food phenomenon is quite famous in Indonesia including Bandung itself. Supported by many events that held indoors or outdoors, and also combined with the development of an online delivery system, street food has become a new alternative for many food lovers in Bandung. Moreover, statistic shows that street food micro industries are very vital for the economic planning and development of many towns in Indonesia. For the comparison, annuals sales of street food in Bogor is equal to $67 million (Cohen, 1986). This condition is caused by Indonesian, generally Asian household who spent from 15 (fifteen) into 50 (fifty) percent of their food.
This study aims to solve existing problems, in particular the assessment of the applied business model in O’Bagel Company who has operated more than 1 year. Based on these findings, researchers can compare alternative business models that are available for use within the organization. The data is determined using root cause analysis. Subsequently, various criteria are weighted using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and analyzed using the factor scoring method to obtain the best alternative. In addition, this study may also be a consideration for other companies to evaluate their business model.
Keywords - Analytical Hierarchy Process, Factor Rating Method, Street food, Business Model Selection.