Paper Title
The Practicum of Social Development Projects of Student Monks in Northeast Region of Thailand

The objectives of this action research were to: 1) improve the procedures and the results of religious performances for them to be in line with the social and cultural contexts, 2) encourage the student monks to better participate in religious activities and act as leaders in disseminating knowledge about holistic health care to their communities, 3) develop the network of holistic health care and social development carried out by the student monks, and 4) propose policies that can improve the religious performances of the student monks. The findings were as follows: 1) the procedures and the performances could be improved through such workshops and training sessions as Project Writing and Preparation Program for Student Monks. 2) Eighteen models for religious performances that were in line with the six Sangha missions, the development of holistic health care and the local social and cultural contexts were realized. 3) The network was carried out in conjunction with the internal network of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, the community network of the student monks and the external network. 4) The policies were proposed to the Student Affairs Unit, the Office of President, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University so that they could be materialized so that they could support the student monks’ religious performances. As a result, they could perform their religious activities effectively and beneficially for their communities and society as a whole. Keywords - Social Development Project, Buddhist Monk, Northeast region of Thailand