Paper Title
Adoption of Electric Motorcycles By University Students: A Tam Perspective

To reduce air pollution, more Asian consumers are adopting electric motor vehicles, so this research chose to study the factors affecting the acceptance of electric motorcycles. This study uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore the attitude and intention of university students towards electric motorcycles. Using questionnaire responses from 272 participants in Taiwan, the results find that the proposed model predicts 61% of the variance in adoption intention. The results show that students are more likely to consider an electric vehicle if the students perceive the vehicles to be useful and easy to use and if the students have a positive attitude towards electric vehicles. In addition, this study finds that the gender of the student significantly affects their attitudes but not their intention to use electric motorcycles. This research uses empirical analysis to illustrate the factors that affect purchase intention and provide information to government officials and practitioners to guide efforts towards increased adoption of electric motorcycles. Keywords -Technology Acceptance Model(TAM); Electric motorcycle; University student; Adoption