Paper Title
The Effect of the Preoperative Teachings on the Prevention of Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section: Basis for Intervention Program

Cesarean delivery is an independent risk factor of postpartum maternal death. The maternal mortality rate for cesarean section is higher than with vaginal birth and its risk of postpartum maternal death is almost three-fold higher than vaginal delivery. This study aims to determine the effects of preoperative teaching on the prevention of postoperative complications of cesarean patients as basis for an intervention program. The study used purposive sampling as the respondents are those patients who are undergoing cesarean section. A total of 60 respondents from two (2) private and public hospitals participated on this study. This study utilized the respondent's personal profile, the preoperative teachings received by the patients, and postoperative outcomes. The statistical tools used in this study to interpret the data were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, p-value, correlational coefficient and Cramer's V coefficient. Results showed that preoperative health teaching in terms of pain management, mobility and physical restriction, and medication have a significant effect on postoperative outcome specifically on respiratory complications and wound dehiscence. This indicates that the more frequent the respondents are reminded with the preoperative teachings, the less likely to develop respiratory complication and wound dehiscence. While the demographic data of the respondents do not have significant value on having postoperative complications. Thus, the age, civil status, religion, number of children, educational attainment and family monthly income of the respondents do not affect the postoperative outcome of the respondents. Keywords - Effectiveness, Preoperative Teachings, Intervention Program