Paper Title
Effects of Selected Physical and Chemical Factors on Acanthamoeba Strains, Causative Agent of Vision-Threatening Keratitis Detected in Poland

Some Acanthamoeba sp. known as free-living amoebae of many environments, are also detected in health facilities on surfaces of equipments and accessories. The amobae exist as facultative parasites in humans agents of vision-threatening Acanthamoeba keratitis mainly reported in contact lens wearers; the disease is detected with increasing frequency worldwide, also in Poland. Pathogenic Acanthamoeba castellanii corneal isolate acquired from severe case of keratitis and environmental Acanthamoeba castellanii Neff reference strain were in vitro monitored in terms of their sensitivity/resistance to selected chemicals and tolerance to temperature changes. In 20°C, there was a significantly lower in vitro population density of pathogenic isolate expressed in lower overall number of amoebae than the density of the Acanthamoeba Neff strain; contrary to this, at 37°C, increased in vitro population growth was revealed in pathogenic corneal strain. Both chemicals used for the rapid disinfection showed time-dependent amoebostatic effects, however, only the alcohol-based agent indicated very expected cysticidal efficacy against A. castellanii corneal strain. Further studies are necessary to prevent the spread various Acanthamoeba pathogenic strains within human environment. Keywords - Acanthamoeba Strains, in Vitro Investigation, Vision-Threatening Acanthamoeba Keratitis, Tolerance to Temperature, Effects of Chemicals.