Paper Title
The Grammaticalization of Verbs in Thai

The objective of this study was to synthesize the studies on the grammaticalization of verbs in Thai from the Sukhothai period to the present. The information was collected from theses, researches and articles in both Thai and foreign languages in a total of 26 studies which included 17 theses and 9 articles. The results reveal that most studies were published 1991 – 2014 consisting of 14 synchronic studies and 12 diachronic studies. The synthesis of the studies on the grammaticalization of verbs in Thai shows that all studies are comparative linguistics in Thai language at different periods and there are a few studies on the grammaticalization in Thai dialects. Therefore, there should be more studies on grammaticalization in Thai dialects which will be useful for providing additional information for the overview of grammaticalization in Thailand. Keywords - Grammaticalization, Language Change, Dialect, Northeastern Thai Dialect