Paper Title
Prophetic Dispute Resolution Model in Dispute Resolution Between Customers and Islamic Banking

The Islamic concept prefers the benefit/maslahah as the ultimate goal of the dispute resolution. This benefit principle is in line with the principle of Islamic taught in the Al Quran, Al-Hadith and Islamic schoolar’s interpretation/Ulama’s ijtihad which is manifested in the form of the Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia. This Islamic principle is the prophetic principle, that teached by Rasulullah Muhammad. Among the dispute resolution models regulated in Law No. 21 year 2008 on Sharia Banking, mediation is accommodated as a model of dispute resolution. Banking mediation is considered as a model of dispute resolution between the customer and the Islamic bank which is the closest one to the prophetic principle. Mediation prioritizes win-win solution, different from the court or arbitration that tend win-lose solution. The fundamental character is forward looking, not oriented to the past mistakes, but is focused on the useful resolution for the parties in the future. That is maslahah as a core of prophetic principle. Keywords - Dispute Resolution, Islamic Banking, Mediation, Prophetic