Paper Title
A Pocket-Friendly Denomination Identifier Tool for the Blind: A Case Study of Torch-IT Electronics

There are over 285 Million visually impaired people worldwide. Of these visually impaired, 39 Million people are fully blind and 246 Million have low vision. About 90% of the worlds visually impaired live in low-income setting. The present case study; carried out in Torch-It, a company building a platform for the blind; focuses on analyzing the issues faced by the blind people while dealing with payments in day-to-day life. To overcome these issues, we have developed a pocket-friendly, ergonomic tool for the blind which helps them in identifying the denomination of a currency making their life more independent and easier. We are attempting to solve this simple problem by using the various unique combinations of measurements of denominations. The aim is to fit an intricate design in a small and user-oriented piece of material with a comprehensive design which can be portable as well as multi-purpose. This will help the blind people in determining the denomination of currency avoiding any malpractices or frauds thus making payments very easy. Keywords - Visually impaired, Denomination, Pocket-friendly, Ergonomic, Elementary-Design, Payments