Paper Title
The Variability of The Saline Profile in Arid Soils

In the north east of the Sahara desert, the region called “Vallée de l’ouedRigh” have 150 Km of length and un direction north-west between OumTiour and El Goug. This region have an arid climate and sedimentary geological formations. The ground water allow a cultivation of the date palm which make the reputation of this country. In West the valley is limited with a succession of stepped glacis and in the East with the dunes of the Souf region included in The Great Oriental Erg. The bttom of the valley show un succession of depressions with little chotts. During the exceptional wet period, a flow is possible. The water passing chott by chott, goes to the north in a large depression occupied by the great ChottMerouane. The study of this region shows four topographic levels with their own characteristics. A pedological analysis at each level shows its own variance in Salinity content according to the geomorphological, pedological and hydrogeological characteristics. This breakdown illustrates the organization of gypsum in these regions Key-words- salinityarid area, soils, Saharan landscapes, OuedRigh, Algeria.