Paper Title
Exploring the Impact Factors of the Medical Staff’s Work Engagement on Shared Decision Making: Based on AHP Approach

The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has being promoted Patient-centered medication institutions with Shared Decision Making since 2016. The core tool of Shared decision making is patient-decision aid, which is developed by members of the Shared decision making promotion group composed of medical staff.Shared decision making has been proven to help patients choose the right treatment, which is a trend and policy implementation that more and more people will be required to invest in it. Here, the analytic hierarchy process is used to extract the factors that will affect the input of members of the promotion team. It can help to find out the difficulties that may be encountered in the implementation of Shared decision making and prevent them in advance, so as to facilitate the smooth promotion of Shared decision making and increase the patient's participation in the medical process,and improve his or her satisfaction with medical services. In addition, relevant information about the implementation process will be provided to the medical institutions that are also implementing it, so that Shared decision making can be truly implemented. Keywords - Shared Decision Making, AHP, Medical Staff, Work Engagement