Paper Title
Digital Media usage Pattern and Influence of Digital Advertisements on the Buying Decision of the Adolescent Students: A Case Study on Dhaka Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a very young population with a median age of 25.4 years, and a pro-digital youth as found by various research. Due to the widespread usage of internet and smart phones, digital marketing has been expanding exponentially among the adolescents of the world. The same trend exists in Bangladesh, however little research has been conducted on Dhaka Metropolitan’s adolescents, since this represents the national scenario. The researchers have gone through pertinent literature review, secondary data, conducted 4 FGDs, and collected primary data from a sample size of 500 adolescent students using a combination of non-probability convenience and purposive sampling technique. The findings have revealed that 91% of the adolescents spend more than 3 hours on social media, with laptop being the preferred medium. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube stand as the favorite applications, with information searching and chatting as the top activities.72% of the respondents have said they notice advertisements and only 9% of the respondents are indifferent towards the usefulness of advertisements. 60% of the respondents learned about new brands from digital marketing, and a large segment has searched for more information through online channels. Findings of this research would be useful for practitioners for strategic decision as well as for researchers to contribute in this discipline.