Paper Title
The Effects of Stock Market Price Volatility on Exchange-Traded Fund Price Changes Under The Influences of Monetary Policy in China

This paper estimates the smooth transition autoregressive model with exogenous variables to evaluate effects of stock market price volatility on the Exchange-Traded Fund(ETF) price volatility in China with reserve requirement ratios(RRR) as a transition variable. Authors found that there is the effect of RRR value on the relationship between stock market price changes and ETF price changes. These effects vary based on the conversion and its changes over time in different variations of threshold intervals. Lastly, the larger the change of China's stock market variables lag period, the smaller the impact on Chinese ETF price changes. Keywords - Smooth transition autoregressive model with exogenous variable (STARX) model; Threshold effects; Exchange-Traded Fund; Stock market; China reserve requirement ratio; nonlinear. JEL Code - E40, E50, E52.