Paper Title
The Mediatory Role of Tour Operators in Leveraging the Influence of Supplier Service Quality of Tourist Satisfaction

The purpose of this research is to examine the mediatory role of tour operators in leveraging the influence of tourism supplier’s service quality on tourist satisfaction. Three-fold objectives are targeted, which sourced the views of the tour operators and tourists on the efforts made on the tourism supplier’s service qualities: the 98-tour operators and 284 tourists. The data was collected by cluster and convenience sampling respectively, and using multiple regression method for the analysis. The collecting data period is 2 months in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap city, Cambodia. The result of this research indicates that tour operators do not play a mediatory role in leveraging the relationship between suppliers i.e. hotel services, transportations, restaurants and souvenir shops, and tourist satisfaction, which highlights a need to improve on the levels of various service quality such as empathy, assurance, reliability and tangibles. Keywords - Supplier, Tour Operator, Tourist Satisfaction, Service Quality