Paper Title
Flowering Age, Stomata and Leaf Area, Because Shading Treatment on Some Tomato Varieties

The response of the varied plant tomatoes greatly when shaded, as well as cherry tomatoes and vegetable tomatoes. The trial contains 2 treatment factors, namely treatment with shade of 0%, 25% and 50% as the main plot and 4 tomato varieties (Juliet, Golden Sweet, Golden Shine and Betavila) as sub-plots. Result experiment showing flowering time 50% from population on tomato is very effected with shading treatment. There is no interaction between the shade and the variety used. Tomato plants that are shaded by 25%, age of flowering faster than the shade schedule of 0% and 50%. Varieties of Juliet are varieties that are faster than other varieties. Golden Shine and Betavila varieties have the same flowering speed. The stomata width was more influenced by shade treatment, stomata wider when shaded, while the stomata length was more influenced by the variety used, varieties with big leaf have longer stomata. Keywords - Flower Age, Leaf Area, Stomatal Density, Stomata Size, Shade, Tomato Varieties