Paper Title
Integrated Radical and Religious Extremism Rehabilitation Program in Malaysia: A Comparative Analysis of Spiritual and Current Approach

This article presents the ways of rehabilitating while terminating the security threat in Malaysia, particularly related to radical and religious extremism (RRE) cases. Several acts have been promulgated in order to secure the present and potential threats, which resorts the latest Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015 (POTA 2015) towards responding the current issues of religious terrorism. Attention is given to reinstating the detainees by supplying them the special module provided by the authority. However, the researchers assert that the use of the spiritual and religious elements should be the main course for detoxifying their misbehavior and wrong ideologies. The researchers advancing this solution to be compared with the methods that are currently taken in reintegrating the RRE offenders. Hence, this research assesses the efficiency of using the spiritual and religious element as the main course in the process of rehabilitating from other centers, theoretically and practically conducted. Data was collected using primary and secondary sources; acts; module books and pamphlets; key informants; and article journals. Collected data was sorted and being compared. It is asserted that such cases which rooted from the wrong and loss of self-value should be cured by fulfilling their spiritual, cum the cognitive and physical will be treated as well. Thus, the pros and cons of these integrated methods are able to be compared, shared and upgraded, solely for the sake of the future healthy generation. Index Terms - Extremism, Radical, Rehabilitation, Spiritual Approach.