Paper Title
Estimation Of Aerosol Loading From Different Wavelengths In Kuala Lumpur Using Dark Pixel Subtraction Technique

Atmospheric aerosol plays an important indicator of visibility distance range. The challenging part to study the effect of atmospheric aerosol on surface reflectance is its immeasurable assortment. High density of aerosol will scatter radiation in different wavelength range. Depending on the wavelength, the prevailing atmospheric conditions and the brightness of the observed surface, the recorded at-sensor reflectance may be either higher or lower than the surface reflectance. In this study, the estimation of aerosol loading will be derived not only on visible (blue) wavelength but also at near-infrared wavelength range. Using dark pixel subtraction technique to derive surface reflectance from imaging data, these values would be critical to be assigned. The result showed that the highest significance of correlation (r2) was recorded at visible (blue) band with r2 = 0.9652. Keywords- Atmospheric aerosol, visibility, wavelength, reflectance