Paper Title
Privacy and Securityissuesininternet of Things for Smart Cities
Internet of Things (IoT) is collection of smart objects that senses real environment and gives response instantly while connected to a network. IoT and smart cities are applied in every field of life including home, offices, healthcare centers, agriculture, waste management, transport management and environmental monitoring to make them smart. There are many benefits of applying IoT in real environment but it raises various issues and challenges including security, privacy and heterogeneous nature of objects. Further, there is not any common communication standard for this purpose. Many traditional methods are proposed by researchers which do not address these issues completely in a real sense. In this paper, we have presented a survey of existing work focusing on security and privacy issues in applications of IoT in smart cities. Finally, a problem is formulated based on recognized issues for our future work.
Keywords - Smart cities; Internet of Things (IoT); Security; Privacy; Critical analysis.