Paper Title
Independent Health Monitoring with "Healthy Book" as an Effort to Improve Blood Glucose Levels in Pre-elderly and Elderly Communities: A Pilot Study in Malang, Indonesia

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increase in many parts of the world, especially in Indonesia. DM is one of the degenerative diseases that can cause death as a result of various complications. Evidences show that complications of DM can be prevented by optimal blood glucose control, but unfortunately the target of achieving blood glucose control is often not optimal. Increasing of the active role of people with diabetes, their families and communities in managing DM independently are needed. This program provides education and habituates the elderly and pre-elderly people in Malang, Indonesia, in order to be able to monitor their healthy. We compose “Healthy Book” as a guideline for communityto evaluate their health status independently.This program is implemented for 6 months. Fasting blood glucose levels are measured before and after the program is completed. The result shows that there is a significant improvement in control of blood glucose levels in the DM community of elderly and pre-elderly. Keywords - Independently Health Monitoring, Healthy Book, Blood Glucose Level, Diabetes Mellitus