Paper Title
Analysis of The Human Reliability Behaviour Using A Fuzzy Multicriterial Approach

Several studies have shown that most of the accidents are caused by human errors. Those are classified in errors of omission and commission. The errors of commission receive the influence of the behaviour aspects, which may be defined by the cognitive factors. This way, analysing those factors, is possible to estimate an index for the human reliability. The present paper aims to develop decision support systems to allocate the best operator in the petrochemical industry. In this study we present a comprehensive analysis of the human reliability behavior using a fuzzy multicriterial approach. The model reflectsuncertain characteristics of the operator and provides a fuzzy triangular number, which allows compare the cognitive characteristics of operators and select the best for the realization of tasks that require high qualification. Keywords- Human Reliability, Fuzzy Set Theory, Decision Making, Multicriterial Approach, Cognitive Criteria.