Paper Title
Reviewing Art and Science Studies in The Middle East Region

Up to 5 years or slightly more art and science studies were appeared in the Middle East Region trying to Keep up with the West in their exploration and examination of the relationship between art and sciences. In this study, a qualitative research design is used to reviewing art and science studies in the Middle East region. An improvement was noticed, as well as changes in student learning impact among these studies and published researches in both disciplines. Some of these studies regarding art as a medium for teaching and learning as well as motivating students to accomplish an advanced level of achievement; whereas others used it for enjoyment and fun. Which also resulted in better learning due to integrating arts in the school curriculum, showing a causal link between visual art education and academic accomplishments in other disciplines. In general, it is concluded that both disciplines-art and science play a positive and productive role in the teaching and learning of these disciplines. In addition, it plays an essential role in developing individuality and promoting higher order thinking skills and abilities to meet the 21st century's requirements. The findings are recorded, presented, discussed, and the recommendations are provided accordingly.