Paper Title
Review Of Impeding Suicide Using Safety By Design Principles In An Australian-Context

Train suicide is a socio-economic safety issue that impacts society on a local and global scale. Each year thousands of lives are lost to this act. In addition to the victim’s family, many others are affected including the drivers, the rail industry, commuters and governments. The social impacts are severe, causing lifetime trauma to people witnessing the incident and it also represents a financial burden on rail operators, governments and associated parties of the deceased. The reason people commit rail suicide has been widely studied across the globe, with countless studies trying to identify suicidal patterns and links between train suicide and sufferers of mental health issues. However there has been no conclusive outcomes of these studies.This paper reviews whatsafety measures therail companies currently have in place to combatsuicide and evaluates their effectiveness. It also explores what opportunities are available to the rail industry to impede train suicides using design principles going forward. Keywords - Suicide; railway; engineering control