Paper Title
Future of The Library: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Smart Library Technology
The technology of the 21st century has made libraries valuable to deliver services, however remote access of some countries makes it irrelevant for others to enjoy the pleasure from libraries. More so, libraries playa major role in providing informal learning to people nationwide. It’s a fundamental area which aims to bring digital literacy to everyone. Libraries are leading the world of new communication skills. It has helped build digital citizenship in most countries. It should be the first places for the most advanced technologies. The researchers then examined the smart technology that would be needed in the future for libraries to compete with other stakeholders. The researchers use the quantitative survey research technique in their analysis. The researchers selected 500 people from three countries i.e. Canada, China, and Ghana. The survey questionnaire was done online and the data collected was analyzed. The research reveals that a lot of people would be happier to read books, article, novels, fiction, and histories to gain more insight when smart technologies are been implemented. It also reveals that smart technology would help people in remote countries to enjoy reading books. It also reveals that the workloads of librarians would be reduced. Recommendations were also administered based on the findings
Keywords - Smart Library, Smart Technology, Academic Library, Online Resources