Paper Title
Simulation Of Photo Oxidative Processes For Degradation Of Dexamethasone by UV- C/H2O2 and UV-C/S2O82-

The pharmaceutical industry, as one of the growing industries today, has become one of the major environment-polluters. Daily usage of pharmaceuticals leads to contamination of surface and groundwaters and affecting human health. The European Union has adopted the Water Framework Directive in which water pollution strategy is proposed. Many conventional wastewater purification processes are not effective enough in removing pharmaceuticals, so advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are becoming one of the most popular alternatives. The main advantages of AOPs are high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and the fact that these are degradation processes which aim to achieve mineralization of organic substances. The aim of this research was to produce semi-empirical mathematical-mechanistic models for simulation of UV-C/H2O2 and UV-C/S2O82- photooxidative degradation of dexamethasone in water. Concentration of the oxidants, mineralization, pH value and conversion were monitored. It was found that developed mathematical-mechanistic models can simulate processes and because they are semi-empirical that can bealso applied outside the examined range of process parameters. Keywords - Dexamethasone, advanced oxidation processes, hydroxyl radical, sulphate radical, mathematical-mechanistic model