Paper Title
Biosorption of Copper Ions by Bacillus Subtilis From Mine Wastewater

Biosorption is an innovative method to remove nonbiodegradablepollutants, such as heavy metals, from aqueous solutions using avariety of biomaterials (e.g. bacteria, fungi, algae and industrial and agriculturalwastes). Compared with other alternatives, these metabolically inactive and nonlivingbiomasses of microbial or floral origins are cheaper and more effective inremoving metallic elements, some of which are toxic and carcinogenic. Thedischarge of heavy metals, such as copper ions into mine wastewater is regarded as aserious threat to the environment. Copper, a widely used metal in differentindustries, is considered one of the most detrimental elements to aquatic life. Inthis paper, the following topics are discussed: hazardous effects of copper inwastewater, biological methods of Cu removal (biosorption using bacteria andfungi) and the isotherms and kinetic models of adsorption. Keywords - Copper Ions, Mine Wastewater, Bacillus, Heavy Metals