Paper Title
Contextualizing The Hong Kong Rti Model: A Cross-Case Analysis

This paper concentrates on comparing the U.S. response-to-intervention (RTI) model with data from four selected schools of the qualitative component of a larger study on the 3-tier intervention model for inclusive education in Hong Kong. The focus of this paper is on the conceptualization and understanding of the theory behind the RTI model, its impact on leadership strategies and implementation. Therefore, key personnel interviews were conducted for this component to gain insight into their understanding of the 3-tier intervention model, leadership strategies, progress monitoring, and measurement of learning outcomes. Findings revealed that principal’s theoretical understanding of the RTI system made a huge difference in the implementation fidelity, progress monitoring, and student outcomes. Discussions centered on the significance and impact of contextual differences of adopting the RTI model, leadership roles in assisting teachers to understand the model, and bringing positive learning outcomes resulting from the understanding of the roles and functions of the significant components of the model. Index Terms— contextualization, Hong Kong, cross-case analysis, response-to-intervention model.