Paper Title
Analytical Study on Organizational Ethnicity and It’s Induce towards Workplace Assortment and Enclosure

Change is the only constant. Evolution and transformation is the natural outcome of change and adapting is crucial for survival. This law of nature is true for organisation too. Embracing the change and tackling the associated challenges calls for a more diverse and inclusive mind-set. Understanding the capabilities of a diverse talent pool that is more connected than ever and providing an inclusive environment for talent to thrive and contribute is gradually becoming a non-negotiable aspect to be blended into the culture of a place, be it an organisation or a nation. Thus the culture, in the context of this paper, the organisation culture,becomes one of the key drivers of Diversity and Inclusion. Thispaper is an attempt to understand the key factors of organisational culture that impacts the diversity and inclusion matters in a workplace, with specific reference to Information Technology organisation in India, specifically in Chennai. Keywords - Organisational culture, diversity and inclusion, diversity, inclusion, influence, workplace, values, norms, meetings, team work, morale, involvement, information flow, supervision