Paper Title
Culture-Nature Relationship: An Ecocritical Reading of Salah Jaheen’s “On the Name of Egypt”

This study explores the relationship between culture and nature; the question of whether the poet can ever faithfully depict the natural world. To address this issue, Salah Jaheen’s poem “On the Name of Egypt” (1971) will be analyzed. Although the poem is not viewed within the scope of ecocriticism, according to the third-wave ecocritics, the poem can be analyzed from this angle—the way poetic depiction of the natural world reflects human culture, rather than the physical world. In this case, it will be shown how the poet’s love of his land, the land of Egypt, leads him to love of land, that is earth as part of his world and the natural world. Index Terms - Culture, nature, Salah Jaheen’s poem “On the Name of Egypt”, third-wave ecocriticism.