Paper Title
Impact of Health Information Systems on Improves Service Quality

Health care experts, policymakers, payers, and consumers consider health information systems, such as electronic health records and computerized provider order entry, to be critical to transforming the service quality. The quality of health care for chronic conditions in developing countries are at least as concerning and, in many countries, the quality of care is much worse. Developing countries often struggle with the complexity of insufficient resources combined with inadequate access to necessary drugs and technologies. Changes in the health-care business resulting from capitation and declining reimbursement have led to cost-cutting measures through improved operations. In some cases, failure to cut costs threatens the financial viability of healthcare organizations. While on the one hand investment in it is seen as an enabler of efficiency and competitiveness, it is also a significant financial investment that, if not linked to improved organizational performance, can hasten the decline of an organization. Given this scenario, the issue of it payoff has come under close scrutiny. Wide and equitable coverage of care is needed to realize a new vision of grand convergence for the richest and poorest countries of the world, including achieving the every newborn goal for newborn babies and stillbirths. Of the indicators tracked as follow-on for the commission for information and accountability. The key characteristics of quality and clinical dashboards, which separate them from computerized decision support systems (cdss) or data provided by an electronic medical record (emr) system include a) the provision of summary data on performance measured against metrics (often related to quality of care or productivity) and b) the use of data visualization techniques (such as graphs) to provide feedback to leaders or individual clinicians. with the introduction of health information technology (hit) the feedback provided by quality and clinical dashboards can be as near to ‘real time’ as possible; this is in contrast to more traditional methods of feedback on performance