Paper Title
Social Media Use By Kuwaitis: Addictions And Effects

Social media has grown and become a big part of our daily lives these days. People just cannot ignore the power of social media today.There is absolutely no problem and nothing wrong with using social media. Some people use it to check updates from their friends and to stay connected. Some people use it for entertainment and to kill time.The problem comes when someone becomes addicted to social media and overspends their time on those applications, as a result, their bad habit serious affected their lives in a negative way. Social media can overtake and control our lives rather than we control them. Most people underestimated how social media can influence and affect their lives until it is too late to notice the effect and to change. This study looks at how much are Kuwaitis addicted to social media and how much does this addiction is affecting their lives. The study will select a sample of 1000 Kuwaitis 18 years and older. They will be given questionnaires that they have so answers about their daily activities. Also screen time of using social media applications in their mobiles will be analyze to learn more about their daily social media usage.