Paper Title
Design of a Low Cost Biodigester for Sustainable Pig Farming in the verjon Forest Reserve

As agriculture is the engine of the Colombian economy, it is important to consider the environmental consequences of inappropriate practices in protected areas and not suitable for activities such as pig farming. The present study aims to promote sustainable pig farming through the design of a low cost biodigester, made with recycled materials. This biodigester receives effluents from swine manure for good waste management, transforming them into soil improvers, gas for domestic use and liquids for irrigation of ecological restoration plants. For this reason, researchers from the University of the Andes and the Minuto de Dios University will be involved, in a multidisciplinary work from the Engineering and Business Sciences, for the coexistence between the community and the ecosystem of the Verjón forest reserve in Bogotá city. Keywords - Biodigester, pig farming, sustainability.