Paper Title
The Development of E-Tourism A Study of The E-Tourism Phenomenon in E-Business

The development of new ICT “Information and Communication Technologies” has allowed the rapid incorporation of these new technologies in the field of Tourism, and thus creating what is now denominated as "e-Tourism". The emergence of "e-Tourism" has meant a new era in the evolution of world tourism. This evolution has caused a dramatic global socio-economic impact on e-Business between both; individual travelers and professional tour operators. As a type of e-Business progress, the e-tourism and its effects from a professional perspective is the subject of this study emphasizing on tour operators to detect their methods during their work searching for information and composing the tourist offerings by using the B2B platforms. Meanwhile, as individual travelers are using the internet to search for online products offered through B2C platforms, the competition against traditional travel agencies is rising every day. Against this risk, the professionals should seek new and innovative ways to save their business, by creating new models of e-Tourism through their B2B platforms, and to anticipate what they can better offer to the tourists as new services, destinations and products. Keywords - Or Phrases in Alphabetical Order, Separated by Commas.