Paper Title
Amyloid Precurssor Protein (APP) Associated Neuronal Exosomes in Plasma from Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) expression increases following brain insults associated with inflammation, such as traumatic brain injury and acute lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS). APP is associated with the cell membrane and thus found on the surface of exosomes. We hypothesized that neuronal exosome-associated APP in plasma could be a marker of inflammation in MS. Here we report detection of neuronal exosome-associated APP in plasma using our ExoSense assay and suggest that it might be a marker of inflammation in MS. The data from our pilot clinical study in a small group of patients, support further evaluation of this biomarker in MS for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and disease progression. Keywords - Multiple sclerosis, amyloid precursor protein, neuronal exosomes, inflammation, disability, biomarker, ExoSense, pilot clinical study