Paper Title
Mathematical And Computer Modeling Of Movement Of The Executive Mechanism Of The Adaptive Multipurpose Operating Part Of Earth-Moving And Construction Machine

In this proposal, authors propose as main objectives to model the theoretical and Mathematical system and specifically the stochastic processes of the dynamical system working body machine. In fact, the use of optimal and quasi-optimal algorithms for recursive estimation of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the actuators working is original. There are given how that will study the kinematic and dynamic parameters of multi-actuators working of machines and how that will develop the optimal filtering techniques of random perturbations. This article is interesting and it contains some scientific novelties and significance. It concerns with the mathematical modeling of the geometrical, kinematic and dynamic parameters of the interactions of earthmoving and mining achiness with the environment (soil, rocs, etc) during their operations for taking consistent design decisions at earlier stages of their development, when several possibilities arise. Thus, the work has the potentially to achieve novel remarkable scientific results which could lead to much more cost-effective design of earthmoving and mining machines. Index Terms- dynamic parameters of multi-actuators working of machines, mathematical modeling of the geometrical, kinematic and dynamic parameters of the interactions of earthmoving and mining achiness, Mathematical system and specifically the stochastic processes of the dynamical system working body machine.