Paper Title
The Trends of Agricultural Business and Management Research in Japan: An Analysis of Text Mining Based on Japanese Journal of Farm Management

Agricultural business and management, a challenge topic that integrates the science, engineering and technology research findings, has been progressing due to change in the world economy and the surrounding environmental factors. This paper aims to explore the trends of the agricultural business and management research in Japan, the advanced country in science, engineering and management systems, over the last 60 years. Based on a time series perspective, we performed qualitative analysis and a systematic review using text mining to analyze the paper title data from Japanese Journal of Farm Management, a leading academic journal. The results show that the tendency for agricultural business and management research in Japan may be track the emerging technology or fashion keywords in science and management fields immediately. Conclusion in the current study highlights the contribution and limitations about the changing and developing of Japan’s agricultural business and management researches’ excessive focus on the background of society and technological changes. Index Terms - Agricultural Business, Agricultural Management, Farm Management, Text Mining, Trend, Japan, Technological Change