Paper Title
The Figure of Speech from the Vessantara Jataka Comic

This research paper objects to study the usage of the figure of speech from the literature comic book for kids, Vessantara Jataka (Maha Vessandorn Chadok), created and written by Ohm Raychavet (Amarin printing and public leasing company). Studying by analyzing the speech that is used in the literature which imply the feeling through the cartoon characters. Regardings to the Vessantara Jataka comic book, the usage of literary language in the comic is appealing, especially the figure of speech in the comic creates a novel writing and causes the book is more attractive. Above that, it enhances the imagination of children along with the usage of the comic as an instruction media. According to the study of the Vessantara Jataka comic book, there are four types that are used as the figure of speech which is (1) Onomatopoeia, (2) Simile, (3) Hyperbole, (4) Metaphor. The usage of the figure of speech in this comic book is suitable for children and compatible with the content. The study author has an opinion that the literary language in Vessantara Jataka comic book is interesting for research, especially the figure of speech that enlivens the perception of the characters including others important components such as lightning sound. Additionally, the art of the language makes the comic more surreal and also tactical for the literature for children. Index Terms - The Figure of Speech, Comic Book, Vessantara Jataka, Bodhisatta