Paper Title
Documentation Manual for Disbursement of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
The study guide documenting the disbursement of Humanities and Social Sciences. It aims to provide finance staff received the parcel the document must be completed prior to disbursement and procurement and to reduce the time to perform the task of disbursement and procurement by analyzing the operational activities. Including manual documenting the disbursement of Humanities and Social Sciences. Understanding Manual disbursed the quality manual documenting the disbursement. The process is expected to contribute to the understanding and delays in implementation. The results showed that the first guide found that the overall the high level (X ̅ = 3.86) the guide found that overall the highest level. (X ̅ =4.24) can ease the process and duration of operations that are redundant or not. When considering that the first is a remix content in order not to confuse the reader can follow the content easily as well as an associate member. In most (X ̅ = 4.40) Followed by the meaty advanced technical knowledge or new techniques. In most (X ̅ = 4.37) with feedback on performance way to solve the problem and the insertion of ideas and opinions more appropriately be beneficial to the system. In most (X ̅ = 4.34) and the final step is the identification and detailed operational rules and a reference pattern for writing references. At a high level (X ̅ = 3.87) respectively. The analysis of understanding the manual documenting the disbursement of the staff understands the manual documenting the disbursement of the first order is a document of the work related to the duties and responsibilities of the position and form body structure and comprehensive content the second is a remix of contents clearly. (0.75+) complete and accurate technical basis. In order not to confuse the reader can follow the content easily. As well as a link title (0.64+) with feedback on performance way to solve the problem and the insertion of ideas and opinions more appropriately be beneficial to the system (0.59+) and are refined in the punctuation and spacing (0.50+).
Index Terms - Documentation Disbursed.