Paper Title
Assessment of Magnesium Vision 2020

The goal of this study is to review and asses the use of magnesium alloys as successful substitute to the iron and steel in automobile industry to lower the impact of automotive industry on environment and achieve a greater fuel economy. Magnesium vision 2020 estimates that 15% of vehicle weight can be reduced by replacing iron and steel components with magnesium alloys. Advantages, technological barriers, future prospects, and limitations of magnesium alloys in automotive were discussed in this study. The recent development of new magnesium alloys to overcome the limitations of using ain applications at elevated temperatures such as corrosion and creep is also evaluated. The result of this study concludes that the limited magnesium infrastructure makes the replacement of heavy materials components in automobile is highly expensive in near future. More cooperation and collaboration among organisations on global level will lead to overcome the limitations over increasing use of magnesium in automotive industry. The accessibility of existing use of high steel strength infrastructure make high strength steel the main candidate to replace iron and steel component in vehicles. Index terms - Magnesium Alloys, Magnesium Vision 2020, Limitations, Advantages, Competitors.