Paper Title
The Effect of using IPAD Games on Children's Skills and Tendency Toward Tenniss Sport

Children’s play has changed dramatically during the past few decades, with the introduction of electronic and video games into their play world,. This change has been even more pronounced in the past 10 years, as electronic games have become available on electronic touch screen tablets and smart phones . Additionally, most of these games can be downloaded for free or at a low cost. Now children can enjoy playing such games (of different genres, such as action, adventure, sport, and strategy, etc.) anywhere and at any time.Research has reported mixed results on the effects of electronic games (video games or computer touch screen tablet games) on the behavior of the players. The aim of this research is to determine whether children who played tennis games as educational video games by using IPAD games for 40 minutes daily for 12 weeks learned better than peers who did not play such games. A total of 20 children (10 girls and 10 boys) from the Duhok Sport Club. The age of children ranged from 9 to 11 year olds. All of them came from medim-income backgrounds. The children were divided into an experimental and a control group, each comprising 10 children (five girls in the experimental group and five girls in the control group). Results from skills testing and tendency scale toward tennis immediately after the training showed significant difference between groups. Participants in the game-based group reported higher levels of skillsand tendency toward tennis. So, the researcher inclusion that tab games are an innovative and usefulness educational method.