Paper Title
Soci-Economic Impact of Biofuel Industry in Western Sudan (Darfur)
Biofuel such as biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol, have been promoted as an environmentally-sustainable solution to the global energy crisis, and a way to counterbalance global increases in CO2.Global demand for climate-friendly transport fuels is driving vast commercial biofuels projects in developing countries and The Sudan is no exception. However, thereality is more complex; under some circumstances biofuels can be a major environmental and socio-economic threat. The question then is: under what circumstances can biofuels be socially and environmentally valuable. The Sudan, and especially Darfur, has characteristics that make it potentially suited to biofuel production, including the availability of land and labour. The different sustainability aspects pertaining to a biofuels industry in the region is investigated. The paper recommends that interplay of research, policy and controls is needed to ensure that a viable biofuels industry can be established in Southern and Western Darfur with net positive socio-economic and environmental impacts.
Keywords - Biofuel, Environment, Land, Labour, Socio-economy(BELLSE)