Paper Title
The Role Of Perceived Organizational Support In The Effect Of Leader-Member Exchange On Organizational Identification

It is seen as an important research subject according to which factors organizational identification reflecting positive reactions of workers to their organizations or the works they carry out decreases or increases. As a result of effective communication expected to be between workers and their organizations; probable effects of leadership types and role of organizational support perception in this relation in the increase of perceived organizational identification are wondered. In these researches, increasing interest towards “leader-member exchange” model focusing on reciprocal relations between leader and worker rather than models bringing personal features, behaviours and attitudes and skills of leader to the fore attract attention. The purpose of the study within this scope is to research what kind of role perceived organizational support has in the probable effect of leader-member exchange model on the perceived organizational identification of workers. In the directions of this purpose, teachers working in private high schools in Ankara Province were specified as the universe of the study. However, because of limitations of reaching the whole the universe, data were taken from samples including 424 teachers in total with convenience sampling method which is not based on probability, with the questionnaire method in 2018. In the questionnaire form prepared for collecting data; “Organizational Identification Scale” comprised of 6 items and a single dimension developed by Mael and Ashforth (1992); “Perceived Organizational Support Scale” comprised of 10 items and a single dimension developed by Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchinson and Sowa (1986), reorganized by Armstrong-Stassen and Ursel (2009), and adapted to Turkish by Turunç and Çelik (2010); “Leader-Member Exchange Scale” comprised of 7 items and a single dimension developed by Scandura and Graen (1984), adapted to Turkish by Ozutku, Ağca, and Cevrioğlu (2008), were used. It was seen that the scales are quite reliable for this sampling according to Cronbach Alpha coefficients calculated. Definitive statistics of data obtained and hypotheses aimed at relations between the independent variable and dependent variable of the study and structural equation modelling in the mediation effect test were used. As a result of the analysis made, it was determined that leader-member interaction levels have a meaningful and positive effect on organizational identification. In addition, in 3-stage method suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986) in order to measure mediating effect, it was observed that perceived organization identification has a full mediating effect on the relations between the dependent and independent variable of the study. As a result, it was seen that as the levels of leader-member interaction levels of workers increase, their organizational identification levels also increase and the more their levels of perceived organizational support increase, the more organizational identification increases. Key words - Leader-Member Exchange, Organizational Identification, Perceived Organizational Support