Paper Title
Analyzing The Impact of Accreditation Information on Brand Awareness Of FPT University in Vietnam

This study would be conducted in two phases. First, researcher use Awareness Pyramid Model to evaluate the current situation of brand awareness about FPT University. The focus group interviewees would be formed by students who are potential students to FPT Univerisity. Those students did not have knowledge about accredictation, before attending the interview, researcher had tested their knowledge about accredictitation by using open-ended questions. At the second phase, the researcher would issue the survey questionairs together with information about accreditation and FPT University activities in those accredictation organizations. The surveyees are required to read the information before answering the survey, this step to make sure that surveyees have knowledge about accreditation and FPT university. The survey would be conducted to more than 300 respondense. Then, the researcher would test the begining hypothesis: accredictation information would increase the brand awareness of FPT University. This hypothesis would be accepted if the indetification level of awareness pyramid at the second phase is higher than the first phase, otherwise, rejected. This research simply finds out whether the information about accreditation would affect to the brand awareness of the institue or not. This findings would be helpful for the institue’ managers, marketers to invest more in accredictation for not only academic quality improvement but also brand awareness. . Keywords - Accreditation, Impact, Brand Awareness, Higher Education, University, Fpt University, Awareness Pyramid Model.