Paper Title
Comparative Analysis of Practical Teaching Methods (Formal Learning System) in Higher Education - European Experiences

In the present paper the cognitive focus concerns a presentation of heterogenous practical training methods implemented in the European higher education system. The measurable value of the paper is a summary of these methods’ portfolio with a division into various training methods in formal learning. The portfolio of these methods has been elaborated in cooperation with selected: Polish, Slovenian, Slovak and Finnish universities (including the team of this paper’s Authors from Czestochowa University of Technology) – beneficiaries of the ERASMUS+ programme ”The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process”. In order to compare the training systems in selected European countries, strictly in methodological grasp, variety of applied practical training methods has been indicated. It has been demonstrated that they lack a unified form in particular European regions, especially in the context of shaping the four underlying competences of future managers such as: entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and group work. Keywords - Practical Teaching Methods, Higher Education, Formal Learning System, Transversal Competencies