Paper Title
Acceleration Method of Contemporary Manager’s Transversal Competences – Case Study

In the present paper the cognitive focus concerns the presentation of „Acceleration method of contemporary manager’s transversal competences” developed within the ERASMUS+ programme “The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process”, by an international research team that represented selected higher education institutions in the European Union, including the team of the Authors of the present paper from Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland). In particular the paper outlines main stages of implementing the method referring to individual partial reports of the project – publicly available on the Internet. The Authors also indicate in it the application scope of this method in higher education institutions in the context of developing the four basic manager’s competences, such as: entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and group work. As a justification of the method as a case study the Authors summarise sample results of its testing, conducted in the group of the students from Czestochowa University of Technology. Keywords - Transversal Competencies, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Communicativeness, Group work.