Paper Title
Regulation Of Administrative Issues As A Main Tool In The Progress Of State Process Of Kosovo

The best political concepts of each state, which directly relate to issues of interest to citizens, always end without success if the public administration of that state lacks the right capacity for the practical application of those concepts in social reality. This is also confirmed by the fact that issues related to public administration and local self-government are part of the agendas of almost every relevant international non-governmental organization, including the UN, the Council of Europe and the EU. Their long-standing activity has adopted numerous legal-political documents in this sphere. The process of reforming its public administration, the Republic of Kosovo has started since the declaration of independence in 2008. This paper emphasizes the need for the establishment of a special administrative court in the state, the strengthening of the country and the role of the Ombudsman, the provision of real conditions for good local governance and municipal efficiency, which implies the increase of institutional and professional capacity for the implementation of The Law on General Administrative Procedure. Key Words- Administrative justice, administrative courts, European Human Rights Court, human rights, monitoring, reform.