Paper Title
Assessing The Environmental Factors that Inform The Choice of Water Supply System based on Farmer’s Perception: A Case Study of Farmers in Jasikan& Hohoe, Ghana

This study provides the environmental behaviors of farmers in choosing a water supply system in Jasikan and Hohoe in Ghana. It also identifies the factors that underline their choice.Cost of power, water conservation, environmental-awareness, and biodiversity protection that inform a choice of water supply technology in Ghana is evaluated using theValue-Belief-Norm (VBN) model. The aim is to thoroughly understand the factors that inform environmental behavior. This study also employs a contingent valuation survey to investigate the factors influencing households׳ willingness to pay for improved water services in Ghana. Our results suggest that income, and power cost rank highest (74%). Most farmers did not demonstrate their ample environmental awareness. The highest average scores of environmental behaviors were related to low-cost behaviors and those that imposed the fewest behavioral restrictions. Keywords- Behavioral restrictions, contingent valuation, environmental behavior, Value-Belief-Norm and willingness to pay