Paper Title
A Progress of Environmental Sustainability and Implementations of Law in Pakistan
In early 90s, with the infrastructuraldevelopment at different level of society in Pakistan causes major damages to environment. These damages were in the shape of deforestation, terrestrial ecosystem, deterioration of natural resources, desertification, land and soil erosion etc. Additionally, uncontrolled human population and mishandling of natural resources is a serious threat to the environment. Pakistan is facing many challenges to solve the environmental issues, which directly or indirectly affects the human life as well as country economics. Degradation of fresh water is one the top issue now-a-days and each and every component of the live is seriously threatened in Pakistan. Poor urbanization planning from last two decades increase the competition of live between human and other component of the ecosystem in Pakistan. There is a very limited evidence of environmental laws related to sustainability in Pakistan. However, since, in 80s Pakistan government paid greater attention to address the environmental challenges and established significant milestones. In this review paper, I discuss the challenges and milestones of environmental law for sustainability in Pakistan.