Paper Title
From Marginalization to Separatism: Evidence from Anglophone Quest for Secession in Cameroon
One of the most rebellious properties of the new post-bipolar international political order is that of the "state proliferation" justified by secession request of marginalized groups of people as we can notice it with the Anglophones in North West and South West regions in Cameroon. How does the sentiment of marginalization exacerbates towards the questfor secession of Southern Cameroon? This thesis aims at capturing the "singular coefficients"; namely the reasons and resources of Anglophone minority group in Cameroon, by explaining howthe feelings of marginalization, social exclusion and injustice of Anglophones in Cameron culminated in an armed conflict with the government. It shows how the marginalized Anglophones in every stages of the society in Cameroon organized themselves for in order to challenge the government by mobilizing international supports, use of force to get theirs needs guaranteed.
Keywords. Marginalization, Social Exclusion, Anglophone Crisis, Quest for Secession