Paper Title
The Effect of Health Education in Leprotic Patients and Contacts Towards Knowledge and Compliance of Treatment of Leprosy in Northern Rosseris Area 2013

: the Norwegian scientist Armeur Hansin (1873) who described leprosy bacilli as a cause of the disease and that was the first bacteria to be discovered as a cause of disease in history of medicine. Later the disease has been taken the author name Hansen disease.(Hasting; 1985) Material and Methods: This is an interventional community based study. The aim is to raise the awareness of the community for early detection, notification and treatment compliance of leprosy. The study was conducted in Rosseris town where a leprosy camp had been located since 1926 Rosseris northern region with 10242 populations was selected as the study area. Families were selected by simple random technique and pre and post interventional questionnaire was used as a research tool. Abdelkhalag area located in northern Damazin, with population of l3255 was selected as a control area. A total of 92 families were selected randomly. The questionnaire was used for the two areas simultaneously. The duration of the interventional activities was 5 months from May 2007 to September 2007. The interventional activities include training of key persons by two-day seminar to assist in conduction of health educational sessions for the community through; symposium, focus group discussion (FGD), counseling, distribution of leaflets, and participation in the free medical clinics A memory gap of 4 months was used after this intervention. A second survey was conducted for both study and control areas using the same questionnaire. The data were collected, processed and analyzed using SPSS programme Results: the results showed that; population knowledge had changed a significantly about leprosy; 2% to 80% pre/post intervention respectively. A notification of increasing of client coming to the treatment sites and there is a significant regular intervals in the referred clinic in the study area during and after intervention as compared to the control group. Conclusion: The knowledge of the community about leprosy was improved regarding; etiology, clinical picture, and route of transmition. The ratio of good knowledge reached 80%. There is an improvement in attitudes and concepts about leprosy among the study group.i.e those who were not agree with hiding and isolation of leprotic patients increased to more than 10%.the study recommended that:Importance of establishing national policy to encourage community participation in leprosy control with clear guidelines for promoting this participation.