Paper Title
Marketing Mix And Unique Identities Affecting Consumers’ Purchase Decisions In The Community Market: A Case Study Of Tung Kwian And Baan Tha Doi Kaew Market

The purpose of this research wereto study the marketing mix, Unique Identity and Consumers’ Purchase Decisions and to study the marketing mix, Unique Identities that Affect Consumers’ Purchase Decisions in the Community Market : A Case Study of Tungkwian and Ban Taka Doikaew Market, Thailand. A quantitative methodology research with a sampling group of 334 was employed in this study. The research tools were questionnaires. Descriptive statistic was applied to analyze percentage, average and standard deviation while Inferential statistic was employed to analyze the effects of path analysis. The outcomes of this research revealed that the unique identity factors highly influenced to the consumers’ decision, followed by the purchase decision, and the least was the marketing mix. The path analysis showed that the marketing mix had direct influence the most toward the unique identity, followed by the unique identity of the products which had a directly influence on the consumers’ purchasing decisions, and the last was the marketing mix which had directly influenced toward consumers' purchasing decisions. Keywords - Marketing Mix, Unique Identities, Consumers’ Purchasing Decision and Community Market